Can CBD Use Be A Useful Treatment Option For Epilepsy?

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Cannabidiol, or CBD as it is commonly known, is a very important new compound that has recently been discovered and characterized. Cannabidiol, or CBD as it is commonly called, is a new phytocannabinoid found in 1940. It is among the highest-potent phytocannabinoids in nature, and constitutes more than 50% of the whole plant’s flowering bulb material. The closest chemical equivalent to CBD is THC, or tetrahydrocurricular acid, which is the principal ingredient in marijuana. However, unlike THC, CBD does not produce the same euphoric or sedative effect that marijuana provides.
In an innovative study by the University of California-Davis Center for Medicinal Research, cannabidiol demonstrated significant anti epileptic properties in an early model of mouse epilepsy. The substance had the unfortunate characteristic of being “opiate-like”, meaning that it generates a strong physical and psychological addiction to the product. When administered in high doses, it can even cause anesthetic like effects in mice when administered. This raises questions about the safety of this compound for use in humans with neurological disorders such as epilepsy. CBD is currently undergoing clinical trials for use in the treatment of seizures in different forms. In these trials, CBD is being administered in the form of a pharmaceutical supplement.
For years, CBD has been used for treating many things that were considered to be treatable in modern medicine, but it was often assumed that it could not have any meaningful effect on the underlying disorder. Scientists and medical experts have been researching the potential benefits of CBD for many years. Recently, much attention has been devoted to the use of CBD for the treatment of seizures, especially those related to the seizures caused by neurological diseases, like epilepsy. As more evidence of the effectiveness of CBD is gathered, CBD oil products are expected to become much more common in the world of alternative medicines.
One recent study found evidence that CBD may help to reduce the frequency of seizures in children with severe cases of epilepsy. The study, which was performed at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, is reported at PLOS ONE. The study did not yield any conclusions, as all subjects were carefully screened for safety issues beforehand. However, the authors stated that further studies should be conducted to confirm the results of this initial study. This would seem to indicate that CBD may indeed have an effect on epilepsy.
In another study that looked at the effect of CBD on anxiety and depression, it was found that elderly subjects (aged 55 and above) who took CBD had significantly fewer mood and anxiety symptoms than did those who did not take cbd. This news is very promising, as mood and anxiety symptoms are the most commonly experienced side effects of antiepileptic drugs (APIs). This CBD oil review found that CBD seems to have fewer side effects than other pharmaceuticals. This would seem to be particularly beneficial for people who do not want to experience negative side effects, especially when taking a potentially life saving medicine.
In conclusion, it appears that the benefits of CBD may outweigh its negative side effects. Therefore, it may prove to be very useful in the future to increase the effectiveness of pain management as well as the treatment of seizure disorders. Patients that need to undergo treatment for prolonged periods should seriously consider trying CBD as a form of medication. It has shown promise as an herbal alternative to pharmaceutical drugs, and its non-intrusive nature makes it highly desirable as a natural substance.

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